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Maria Montessori and More.

Maria Montessori was born in 1870 in Ancona, Italy, to a middle class family. She grew up and was assocaited with the University of Rome as a physician. She was actually a scientest more then a teacher. She had many famous people who studied under her suck as Anna Freud, Jean Piaget, Alfred Adler, and Erik Erikson. "As a physician, Dr. Montessori specialized in pediatrics and psychiatry. Maria was nominated three times for a Nobel Peach Prize for her lasting effect on education. She taught at the medical school of the University of Rome, and through its free clinics she came into frequent contact with the children of the working class and poor. These experiences convinced her that intelligence is not rare and that most newborns come into the world with a human potential that will be barely revealed." (3) Her realizing this was the beginning to something much bigger then herself. She began to learn from the students of her class. She observed and saw how they were taught best and taught the children on a kid by kid basis. She noticed that the ages three to six kids were very eager to learn from and about their enviroment, this is why you may have heard about so many pre-k montessori schools. She lived her whole life trying to make education better for kids. She realized young kids could quietly concentrate for a long period of time and gave them the time to do so. She also learned that the kids loved to have order. They liked having a place for everything and a less chaotic environment. These things are still incorpirated in Montessori Class rooms today. Montessori schools today are also very big on working with the familys of the children and making learning an all day every day experience the kids want to have. Montessori schools enhance community involvment as well and strives to make them responsible citizen of their community. (4) Montessoris main points are also to have children develop a love and passion for learning, help build self-confidence, and to show the kids its important to have a inner security and sense of order. 



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