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Montessori Class-

In Montessori schools the kids starting at an elementary level can pick their own lesson plan. They set personal goals for themself with the guidence of their teachers. The students in Montessori schools also work at their own pace and are not pressured to work at the pace of others. As the kids get older they are able to teach the younger kids the topics which teaches self confidence. The class rooms are mixed ages and the average class size is anywhere between twenty and thirty-five students. The class rooms age from 3-6, 6-9, and 9-12.(1) The teachers of Montessori schools have the same skills as traditional schools, they just cater more to a kid by kid basis. They also do not give grades in Montessori schools. They believe the kid should be self-motivated without having outside re-enforcments to motivate them. 

Standardized tests are still mandatory in public Montessori schools. Most montessori schools have a very quiet and non chaotic class room as well. This could be a better learning environment for some kids who are gifted.  (2)


I hope learning a little more about montessori can help you make your choice. 


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